Cargroomers Air Care Vehicle Air Treatment Can

$20.42 (inc GST)


Cargroomers Air Treatment coats the heating/cooling system to eliminate odours caused by mould, mildew, smoke, cigarette smoke, algae and bacteria. Directions for use; Close all windows of the vehicle to be treated; Start the engine and turn the air conditioner to maximum cooling with recirculating air; Place the can on a piece of paper on the floor of the passenger side, ensure no objects are in the path of the nozzle; leave the fan on the highest setting but turn the air conditioner to regular setting; Press nozzle until it ‘clicks’; Close all doors after exiting the vehicle and allow the air conditioner to run for 5 minutes; Turn off ignition, open doors and windows and allow fresh air to circulate. Suitable for use in all vehicles.
Sold individually
Carton Quantity 24
